Hydraulic chisels

Hydraulic chisels

Looking for chisels of high-quality for your hydraulic hammer?

Hydraulic chisels for use in quarrys, foundations, dikes, tunnels and road construction. Through the optimal special hardening, the chisels are tailored to each specific use of the hammer.
Rocbo is already 25 years dealer of these high-quality chisels and together with Solida we take care of a fast delivery. Most of the hydraulic chisels come directly from our stock in Haarlem (Netherlands) or the factory stock in Remscheid (Germany). You need help? You can always contact us on +31 (0)23 5256904 or email us: info@rocbo.nl.
Order chisels simply online at Rocbo Boortechniek, your specialist in pneumatic and hydraulic rock drills and demolition hammers and the corresponding drills, drill bits and chisels.

Select the right Chisel, by choosing the manufacturer and then the hammer type: